
See how we measure up

If you're a facts-and-figures person, you'll love the links below. They include essential мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ statistics designed to give you an in-depth look at enrollment, demographics and diversity, student completions, student body size, and more.

мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ At-A-Glance

The chart to the right visually depicts мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ enrollment percentages by student level and area of Study (мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ Colleges). Data is from the last completed full school year (2022-23). Also included are general demographics of the traditional undergraduate student population (top of chart) derived from the Fall 2023 census. These include the percentage of female students, percentage of Lutheran Students, and percentage of students of color. Data provided by the Concordia Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Level and Area of Student Studies with Demographics

Surveys and reports

Key performance indicator dashboard

External references/sources

Mission and affiliation

"A Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the World."

The university is affiliated with and is a member of the Concordia University System. мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ was founded in 1881.

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Michele Hoffman

For questions about these web pages, please contact Paul Wangerin, мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²Ê¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ Research Analyst, at 262-243-4406.